Sweet Cheeks


Amazing, healing, soothing, sealing, coating, antibacterial, antifungal, detoxing, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, mineralizing is how we describe this product. It really is a miracle balm.

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Diaper balm, butt paste, baby balm, hemorrhoid cream, crack cream, sweat balm, deodorizing balm and so on……..

Amazing, healing, soothing, sealing, coating, antibacterial, antifungal, detoxing, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, mineralizing is how we describe this product. It really is a miracle balm.


We created this when I was a young mom and was so sick of ALL the junk on the store shelves that didn’t work at all! Don’t get me started on the prescriptions recommended by our pediatrician. The pharmacy products were painful, burned my babies skin and were full of chemicals. Those products did absolutely nothing to help heal or provide relief. I was literally sick of slathering my baby in shit! Pardon me. So I decided to do what every mom does at some point in their child’s life….. figure out or create a better way.

And there you have the creation of this amazing diaper balm. We later discovered that it is fantastic for several crotch area needs. Hemorrhoids, post delivery healing and crack sweating too. It is a fantastic body odor balm!

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