Dry Shampoo



This product is a work of art! The powder blend in it is fantastic at actually absorbing oils as well as providing texture! Because it is a dry powder it is light weight. It takes a few minutes to soak up the oils and then will match your hair color and not leave that awful ” baby powder” look that so many busy folks dread having.

You can apply a little at your roots with a makeup brush on day 2-3 and add an all over application to get you through the rest of your week. If you choose to brush it on or shake it on, make sure you brush it through well.  A little of the powder goes a long way making the bottle last quite a while. Avoid shaking it directly onto roots so you don’t see the powder on your roots. The brush application will help with that.

We have created 6 different tones using clays, cocoa powder, spices and natural oxide powders and our colors are unique and gorgeous. We have even created a hot pink with a purple tone for a special request order! It was legit amazing and would be great to add temporary color to your hair for a fun, washable pop of color!

Back story from the Founder, Owner and Creator:

This product was created after I tried using the spray dry shampoo in the stores and salons. I had a terrible chemical rash and my entire scalp began to peal. It was not only uncomfortable and a waste of money but it was a waste of my time….. the whole purpose behind dry shampoo is a quick, easy, time saver. It was not! Set that experience aside, let’s talk about how my hair felt. It was greasy, heavy, tacky and after a few hours it was worse than if I had never used the product to begin with. Not impressed to say the least.

I began reading about how it was made. Reading the ingredients on the bottle was eye opening and concerning. Butane, Isobutane, aluminum starch, propane….. need I say more?

So, I knew there had to be better options and I created the dry shampoo! We hope you love it as much as we do!


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