Mama & Baby Rollons


We have created a pregnancy roll on to help mamas with upset stomach, smell aversions, nausea and head ache.

Our sleep like a baby is fantastic for helping your little have a restful and relaxing sleep. It can help soothe body ache during illness as well.


We have created a pregnancy roll on to help mamas with upset stomach, smell aversions, nausea and head ache.

It is pregnancy safe and you’ll definitely want to have one with you while your out and about.

” this is a life saver in grocery stores. I was able to get shopping done without getting sick”

Our sleep like a baby is fantastic for helping your little have a restful and relaxing sleep. It can help soothe body ache during illness as well. Use on the bottoms of their feet and cover with socks. Apply down the back of their spine for absorbtion and so they can’t get it on their hands either. ages 2 months and up. Do a test patch with a dab of the product on the back of their knee to test for allergies priot to first use.

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